The The Secondary Madd المد الفرعيis divided into two groups:
1. The Madd due to Hamzah
2. The Madd due to Sukoon
The Madd due to Hamzah is sub-divided into four groups:
The Madd due to Sukoon sub-divides into three types:
Just a reminder: The three Madd letters are, the Alif (ا)with a fat-h before it, the يا (ي) Saakinah with a Kasrah before it, and the واو(و) Saakinah with a Dhammah before it. It is called “presented Sukoon” because the Sukoon is presented on the letter when stopping on it, otherwise the letter is read with its vowel
Its rule: It is permitted to lengthen this Madd two, or four, or six counts when stopping on it.
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