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Lesson 17, The Stopping Signs in Quran Reading, Tajweed guide book 1

lesson 17,The Stopping signs in Qur'an Reading,

Tajweed guide book 1 

Lesson 17 (intermediate)
This is lesson 17 of “Tajweed Guide to Read Right book, part 1”
Available at :- Amazon
This book covers all the main areas of Tajweed that are required to read the Qur’an properly.
Lesson 17:   The stopping signs in Qur'an reading 

Signs in the Quran that need to be understood
When reading the holy Quran, we are supposed to stop (means the reader takes a breath with the intention of continuing reading) only when it is allowed to do so.
There are different kind of signs on top of the word to indicate if it possible to stop or not
In this lesson we will cover all these signs such as :

   مـMeans we have to stop (The Compulsory Stop):
   لاWe cannot stop (The Prohibited Stop):
 it is better to continue (The Good Stop):

  صلى  it is better to stop(The Sufficient Stop):
  ج it is the same to stop or to continue (The Equality Stop):
 if you stop one then you cannot stop on the other (The Precautionary Stop):
 س   stop for a brief time:
 Tas-heel is pronouncing the ء between Alif Madd and ء
(◊ )       Imalah is pronouncing the ر between Alif and Ya
Ishmam is circling the lips into Dammah form without Pronouncing the Dammah

Open this link to see the Ishmam video :

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