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This is Islam in short!!!!!

موسوعه بسمله وفواصل واكسسوار للمواضيع
This is Islam in short!!!!!
Islam is a way of life, try it. Islam is a gift, accept it. Islam is a journey, complete it. Islam is a goal, achieve it. Islam is an opportunity, take it. Islam is not a mystery, behold it. Islam is a promise, fulfill it. Islam is a duty, perform it. Islam is a treasure (the prayer), pray it. Islam is a beautiful way of life, see it. Islam has a message for you, hear it. Islam is Love, LOVE IT ♥

موسوعه بسمله وفواصل واكسسوار للمواضيع
حفيدة خديجة
By : حفيدة خديجة
اللهم صل على حبيبي محمد عدد خلقك وزنة عرشك ومداد كلماتك ورضى نفسك

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