The hadeeth of the story of “a good satanic advice”
The Messenger of Allah -peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- appointed me to save the Zakat of Ramadan, suddenly ;someone came and started to take handfuls of food, so I caught him and said: I swear by Allah to take you to the messenger of Allah-peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- he said: I am a poor man I have children, and I am really in need.
he said( Abo horaira) thus I released the morning, the prophet Salla Allaho 3alaihe wa sallam said:” o Aba horaira! What did your slave did yesterday?”he said(Abo horaira), I said: o Rasoul Allah , he complained that he had children and that he was A man in need ,so I had pity on him and released him.the prophet said:” as for him, he is but a liar, and he will come again”.then I knew he will come again because I believe in the prophet words , so I kept in watching. him.he came and started to take handfuls of food so I caught him and told him: I will take you to the prophet(pbuh), then he said: release me I am a poor man who has kids, I won’t return. thus I released him. in the morning, the prophet Aalla Allaho 3alaihe wa sallam said:” o aba horaira! What did your slave did yesterday?”I said: o Rasoul Allah , he complained that he had children and that he was A man in need ,so I had pity on him and released him.the prophet said” he lied to you and he is coming again”. Then I kept watching him a third time;he returned to take handfuls of food, so I caught him and said: I will take you to the messenger of Allah-peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- this is the third time you pretend not to come and you return to the same deed; he said: let me teach you words that Allah will benefit you with.
I said: what are they? He replied: when you go to sleep, Recite Verse Al-Kursi “Allah Lailaha illa Hu wa” till you finish the Aya, Allah will protect you till the morning, and no Satan will reach you .so I release him, and the next morning, the prophet salla Allah 3alaihe wa sallam said:” o Aba horaira! What did your slave did yesterday?” is said: o Rasoul Allah, he claimed teaching me words that Allah will benefit me with, that’s why I released him. The prophet asked: “what are they?” I answered: he told me “: when you go to sleep, Recite Verse Al-Kursi “Allah Lailaha illa Hu wa” till you finish the The Aadeeth of the story of “a good satanic advice”, Allah will protect you till the morning, and no Satan will reach you .so I release him, and the next morning.( bear here that the companions were very eager to learn good). Then the prophet said: “he is a sincere liar(he told you the truth but still he is a liar), do you know who you were talking to these three days abo horaira? I said: no. he said “ that was Satan”
The narrator abo horaira.sahih al bokhari
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