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Learn a Quran Recitation

Learn a Quran Recitation

The Quran is the holy book of the faith of Islam.
Muslims are encouraged to memorize large amounts of the Quran and apply it to their daily lives.
Recitation before an audience is a great honor to Muslim believers.
Memorizing and delivering passages of a holy script can be daunting, but many people have learned techniques to ease the stress related to such a task.

Memorizing your recitation
Step  1
Write the passage you wish to learn on a piece of paper.
It helps to write both the original Arabic and the translation in the language of your delivery as this will deepen your understanding of the surahs (chapters) and aid memorization.
Step  2
Read the recitation aloud each day upon waking.
Make reading the scripture a key part of your morning routine.
Step  3
Recite the passage aloud at least three times daily.
Focusing on these during your daily prayers will allow introspection and familiarize you with the holy texts.
Practice your delivery in front of a mirror.
The way you can study your own emotions and know what your face is conveying to your audience.
Perform the scripture recitation a final time before bed each night. "
Bookending" your day with your recitation will allow your mind to more easily focus upon and absorb the information.
Find the flow of the words and keep to that form.
Once you know the words, your recital should focus on the pacing and flow that conveys the meaning of the passage.
When you are confident in your delivery, your mind will be at ease and able to pull information clearly.
If reciting the passage in a language other than your own, have a native speaker inform you on correct inflection.
This can be very important based on the scripture chosen.

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